Minor procedures and surgeries
Does the word procedures or surgeries give you butterfly in the stomach?
No more fear!
It is understandable that going through procedures and surgeries is a stressful time. However, here at Klinik Safa, with over 10 years experienced in procedures and surgeries, we can assure you that everything will be in good hand.
- Experienced doctor
- State of the art equipment
- Advance anaesthesia
- Top of the line medications
- Latest technology

Lumps and Bumps
Lumps under the skin can be due to different causes such as lipoma (fat collection), sebaceous cyst (blocked sweat glands), ganglion cyst or even skin cancer. It can also occur from other organ near the skin such as breast lumps and thyroid lumps.
Surgery for lumps and bumps is done to restore normal skin structure and to test the lump for any sign of cancer. Small lumps and bumps surgery can be done in the clinic under local anaesthetics.

Ingrown Toenail
An ingrown toenail is a common condition that occurs when the edge of the toenail grows into the skin surrounding the nail. It can cause pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes infection.
Ingrown toenails usually affect the big toe, but they can occur on any toe. If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can become infected and lead to more serious complications. Treatment for an ingrown toenail includes surgery to remove a portion of the nail or prescribe antibiotics to treat an infection.

Wound Debridement and dressing
Wound debridement or cleaning is usually done for diabetic wound, post surgery wound and wound from trauma or accident.
There are many methods for debridement including chemical debridement, mechanical debridement and surgery.
The aim of wound care is to hasten the healing process and ensure the wound is not infected or develop into complications.
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